The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57025   Message #895161
Posted By: Bat Goddess
21-Feb-03 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: My own personal boycott
Subject: RE: BS: My own personal boycott
Just remember, not all Americans are greedy corporate fat cats or crazed consumers who buy everything and patronize every company they are told to on television. Despite the statistics, some of us even vote, despite not knowing if our vote is counted or if there are any candidates to vote for. (I'm almost 54 years old and it's been very seldom that I've been able to vote FOR someone, rather than for the most harmless of several choices.)

I haven't watched television since 1983. I very seldom drink soda of any kind (or bottled fruit drinks, bottled "tea" or sports drinks, for that matter). The big companies not only have given us no real choice as to flavor (cola is cola is cola is terminally boring), but I'm really only interested in the carbonation so I buy seltzer. (Don't get me off on a rant about how the big companies have limited our choices in EVERYTHING over the past 30 years!) We maintain a low profile, heating with wood and having a composting toilet so we use considerably less water than most Americans. We shop wisely for necessities and seldom in national chains, preferring small local independent businesses (while there are some still around before Walmart destroys them all). Yes, I like "things" (to keep, to give away, to resell) but I prefer to hunt them down via antique shops, junk shops and yard sales. We drive used but gas-economical cars. And since we can't afford health insurance (or health care), we don't get sick.

There's a big water company (not American owned) trying to make major inroads into the aquifer that lies under the town I live in. None of this water would be marketed in this country, but in Europe. The big companies (multi-national) would love it if we all had to pay for water

By the way, an "oxygen bar" just opened locally -- that idea started in Japan. No thanks. I don't need to pay good money to get a hit of "flavored" oxygen especially while I've got the wind coming through my 33 acres of trees.

Greed and consumerism are rampant, but not just in this country and not, of course, in everybody. And George was appointed, not elected, and it was probably the result of the Demublicans and the Republicrats being so much alike no one could tell the difference, or cared. Sure would be nice if somebody started representing "the people" that they like to talk about so much instead of Big Oil, Big Business, Big Communications, Big Religion, etcet etcet.

I think I'm done now. Rant over (for the time being, at least).

Gonna go sing some songs. (Old ones, recycled ones, the People's music!)
