The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57025   Message #895361
Posted By: M.Ted
21-Feb-03 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: My own personal boycott
Subject: RE: BS: My own personal boycott

I am a great believer in Buckminster Fuller's idea that an individual who with a positive vision can make more difference than politicians or corporate executives--

For a number of years, I was involved with the "World Game" which was used to teach school kids how to use their own personal skills to devise solutions for world scale problems--the program integrated the game with core curriculuum--science, math, social studies--

(WG wasn't just presented to kids--and for a while, there was an online version--sadly, though, World Game is no more)


Do you mean "May All Be Fed" by John Robbins--I am not a big Robbins fan, but his works, as well as well as many other, such as "Diet for a Small Planet" were among the resources that WG used to help devise solutions for global problems--

Pete Seeger used to call us every so often to get copies of a chart that we created comparing the cost of solving problems to the current world military expenditures--not suprisingly, it would be way cheaper to solve the problems that cause the wars than it costs to prepare for the possibility of war--