The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51847   Message #895367
Posted By: GUEST,Old Pro
21-Feb-03 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: Ask Dr. Guitar
Subject: RE: BS: Ask Dr. Guitar
It would be best if you used long drywall screws. Take the back of the guitar off with a prybar (carefully)(you may need to use a hammer and large sharp chisel to get you started.) It is best to run the screws (about 2 dozen very close together) in from the INSIDE of the guitar body into the neck. Go ahead and run some into the 6 string neck also for stability...Put the back in place and secure with fine quality duct tape. Just to be sure pour a gallon of wood glue into the sound hole. Roll your guitar around to make sure the entire INSIDE is coated. Let dry for about a month, string it up and head for Nashville. Sorry about tonight's gig. But, hey! Borrow a Harmony Sovereign and go for it.