The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57011   Message #895390
Posted By: Don Firth
21-Feb-03 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: No BS : Mudcat Privacy - What If?
Subject: RE: No BS : Mudcat Privacy - What If?
Well, that confirms it, Peg. I always had him figured for some kind of weenie.

I am not concerned about anything I have posted on Mudcat. I shoot my mouth off every time I get the chance and have done so all my life. My views have changed a bit as I have grown and matured over the years (at one time I was kinda conservative, but then I got exposed to the real world), but I have never been reticent about stating what I believe in explicit terms. If this puts a burr under anybody's saddle and they have the power to haul me off to a concentration camp or some other kind of detention center, they can do it any time they want. But I know I will be in the company of a huge number of like-minded people.

I know that the FBI developed a file on me in the early Fifties (not that I was doing anything of a political nature other than singing folk songs and associating with a number of subversives--such as a couple of Quakers and a registered Conscientious Objector) because I actually talked to an FBI agent several times (he asked me about a number of my folk singing friends, but there is nothing I could or would tell him).

My views are known to all. I'm in the telephone book. They can come and get me any time they want.

And, no, I will not shut up! I will not be intimidated!!

Don Firth