The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56867   Message #895529
Posted By: Peg
21-Feb-03 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush

"And at what point did our president appear to give two shits about what the UN thought?"

When he sends Colin Powell there and when he goes himself. Where is Saddam at the UN meetings?
--he's not the one declaring war and threatening to attack the U.S....

"He and his administration are stupidly challenging two of our long-time European allies. This guy's understanding and implementation of foreign policy is in his ass."

What is all this I hear from the American public about boycotting French products? Renaming french frys to liberty fries? George Bush did not think that up.
--perhaps he could not spell "liberty."

Maybe he should revoke people's freedom of speech and tell them to shut up and quit picking on France.
--again, this vast oversimplification and overgeneralization...who precisely is the "American public?" Do you really think every single American thinks and speaks the same way? That is just stupid.

Why are your speech patterns so annaly oriented?
--perhaps the word you seek is "anally."

People bitch and moan about the constitution getting trashed. It reminds me of the rantings of those Militia Men extremists that spawned Tim McVeigh.
--I really don't see the leap of logic you're trying to make here...

Then there is a group of demonstrators that want to take all the guns away regardless of what the Constitution says.
--the second amendment was written in the days of the slow-loading musket. Surely our forefathers did not foresee a day when schoolchildren would bring 9mm handguns and semi-automatic weapons to school...
taking all the guns away from schoolchildren sounds like a fine idea to me.

I don't see it. For example: now the CIA or FBI can go into a public meeting to see if there is any intelligence about terrorist activities to be gained there, whereas they were previously blocked by some bill passed some time ago.

That makes good sense to me.
--then you're about as blind and gullible as I suspected.

I am not sitting here cowering in fear of the black helicopters. If the FBI or CIA want to scrutinize me, I don't care. Let them read my mail, look in my garbage, listen to my phone calls, whatever. I am not doing anything wrong so I don't have anything to worry about.
--oh, I see, because there is absolutely no possibility whatsoveer that they might make a mistake about you or your loved ones?

The onlything that worries me is the possibility of a terrorist attack. The government is trying its best to prevent that and at the same time they are being criticized by protestors.
--the protestors are protesing a needless war in Iraq. Explain, please, what connection this immanent attack upon Iraq has to do with "preventing terrorism?" Attacking a bunch of innocent civilians with bombs has nothing whatsoever to do with "preventing terrorism."

Let the chickens come home to roost and let the voting begin in Iraq.
--I'd lay in a lot of bottled water if I were you.

Old Guy