The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44846   Message #895555
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
21-Feb-03 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: most popular dulcimer album
Subject: RE: most popular dulcimer album
Art- Thanks for your championing- but don't feel bad for me...I never claimed to be "the best" at anything, least of all dulcimer playing. Actually, I have rather spent my life encouraging folks to play, just to play, to listen to that first tune picked out badly- it gave so many people such a thrill! And you would never believe how many years it took, of urging everyone to play (they all thought it was hard to do!)to get them started.

I'm just a little sad that many folks can measure enjoyment of music ONLY in terms of a contest. I know, better than anyone, that there are today thousands of "better" dulcimer players than I; I don't think that any get more joy from it than I, and that's enough for me.
My playing, simple as it is, is what my songs ask for. I'm not interested in winning anything.    Love and joy,    Jean