The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56984   Message #895582
Posted By: bigdarve
21-Feb-03 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Margaret Thatcher
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
well,when it comes to picking and choosing laws etc,mr/mrs/ms teribus,a cusrsory glance at british history may provide some food for thought.tolpuddle,suffragettes,deserved all they got,did n't they?
there's a lot more but you seem capable of doing a bit of reading up so i'll leave that to you.
oh,and could you explain to me exactly which law the kent miners were breaking when they were prevented from crossing the dartford tunnel in the '84 miners' strike?
governments and so-called vested interests pick and choose what laws they want to obey/disobey so i don't see why we can't have the same rights.
heard of any directors getting a custodial sentence when they've been found guilty of polluting rivers etc or of fatally criminal misconduct in the health and safety arena?
by the way, i would never trust a liberal anyway,so you're right on that score!unusually!
yours,in a cordial and luxurious manner,dave danford - what's your name?