The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57005   Message #895585
Posted By: Cluin
21-Feb-03 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: Moratorium: Pro/Anti Iraq Threads
Subject: RE: Moratorium: Pro/Anti Iraq Threads
Here's some lyrics for a segue:

Why Don't You Just Grow Up
(James Keelaghan, 1996)

Why don't you just grow up and stop the little tantrums?
Why can't you just chill out? Why don't you take a pill?
There's something more to life than what's contained in your agenda
Your voice, mein fuhrer, is just a little shrill
Always with the talk; always with the lectures
There's nothing that is good enough; there's nothing that will do
So stop with the sarcasm, the scorn and the invective
School is out, yeah, class is through

If they give you the chance, plead insanity
It's almost like the truth and that'll do for some
And when they ask you what it was that drove you to distraction
Say the world just wasn't ready for the Son of God to come
Get off of that high horse; cut the condescension
Don't do me any favours; stop looking down your nose
I'm not overwhelmed by the glory of your presence
Why don't you take a number? I'll let you know when you are close

Why don't you just speak plain and drop the innuendo?
My eyes are going bad trying to read between the lines
It's very hard to understand just what it is you're saying
When your ideas are only threes and you dress them up as nines
And when it comes to that, there's one thing that I've wondered
Who does your thinking for you? Who puts you in the know?
Whoever that guy is, he's getting way too much
When you're handing out the pink slips, he's the guy that ought to go

oh yeah...

(Why'n't you grow up?...)

How `bout those songwriters, huh? Dontcha luv music and song and songwriting?
I vote we talk about that some more....