The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57055   Message #895916
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
22-Feb-03 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: In God We Trust
Subject: RE: BS: In God We Trust
I'm curious how this came about and what is their point for it? It's hard for me to believe this is coming out of Colorado. Who are these people that come up with this stuff? What is scary is these people are voted in by the majority of the people.
I think that was a very good point Fran about no prayer in schools, yet hang that motto out there.
Sorefingers I agree with you, These people sit around and pass shit like this, waste time even discussing this when there are so many things more important they should be talking about and providing some action.

Maybe they think things are so far out of hand, that they think God is the only one that can help us now? Now that is a scary thought!
Peace. Rustic