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Thread #56867   Message #896058
Posted By: Peg
22-Feb-03 - 03:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Old Guy wrote:

Subject: RE: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
From: GUEST,Oldguy - PM
Date: 22 Feb 03 - 01:44 AM


What huge loss of civilian life? Were they Civilian or Military? Were they Saddam's numbers?
--There was another thread recently which offered figures on civilian and military casualties in the Gulf War...the numbers vary but the range was somehere between 65,00 and 120,000...some of these figures were quoted by the US Army.

When and where did the US military sate they would kill civilians heedlessly?
--that's my whole point. You seem to think that because they say they won't target civilians, civilians won't be killed. I offered the many dead from the Gulf War as evidence that saying it doesn't make it so.

Do you think I am being paid to oppose your opinions? Where is this charge of being disingenuous come from? Does this mean I am lying?
--I am not "charging" you with being disingenuous, it is merely an observation. I DO think you are quite naive to believe some of the things you're spouting...perhaps you think the same of me. But much of your rhetoric echoes the military rhetoric being shoved in our faces by the media these days. I teach media studies for a living so I tend to have a healthy disregard for it...

All I am saying is I where this prophecy about millions of innocent people dying from bombs being dropped on them comes from?
--it's not prophecy, it is, if you will, conjecture based on what happened in the region just over ten years ago.

I am trying to find out what that is based on. The response I get is that I am stupid because everybody knows it but me.
--sorry, but I do think you are naive to think there will be no loss of civilian life in Iraq as a result of an invasion.

Show me the facts and convince me. The best way to learn something is to try to teach it so teach me. I am all ears.
--I have trieed to do so but you reject it; I can't do much about that.

Heil to your leader, Do you have a leader?
--not one I trust....nor did I vote for him and neither as far as I can tell, did a democratic far as i can tell the Supreme Court utths man in office.

Troll wrote:

Peg, just what was the "huge" loss of life in the Gulf War among the civilian population. "Huge" is a little vague, a trait you were just lambasting Old Guy for.
--see above. I had thought it obvious to anyone who is apparently trying to discuss the impending war as if they have some sense of our history; I mean, why would someone be in favor of this invasion of Iraq without at least acknowldging the facst of what happened in the Gulf War?? Seems a logical assumption. I guess I was wrong about that.

I know of no state where children are allowed to have guns legally so disarming the school kids sounds like typical hysteria tactics to me.
--I don't either and yet the kids are still bringing guns to school and gunning each other down. I was raised in a house full of guns and never once did any of us handle a gun improperly or remove it from the house except when taking it hunting. There is a PROBLEM in case you haven't noticed and if parents are going to continue to be irresponsible then the only way to deal with it is make the gun laws tougher; that means taking them away from adults who can't demonstrate basic understanding of safety.

If you want to mouth off and spout your anti-semitic slogans when you are with your friends, feel free.
--I see no anti-Semitic "slogan" in my post. My reference to the salutation of the Third Reich was meant as ironic comment upon where things are headed in this country. Hitler slaughtered more than Jews so if I am being anti-Semitic I suppose I am also being anti-gay, anti-Catholic, etc. and yet you don't include these; why?

BUT DON"T DO IT HERE! It is highly offensive to me and, I'm sure, to a lot of other people on the Forum.
--I am offended at the implcation that the impending invasion of Iraq is being bandied about as if it is somehow some innocuous little foray that won't leave thousands will, and anyone who denies that is being naive.

I don't give two whoops in hell how clever you thought you were being, it is offensive. If you don't have the sensitivity and common sense to realize that, nothing more that I can say will make one iota of difference but I will recommend a trip to a Haulocaust Museum. Maybe, just maybe, you'll start to get the message.
--I am more than familiar with the Holocaust. I meant no offense. I think the comparison with the Third Reich is highly appropriate here. If you have no sense of irony I can't help you, either.