The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57058   Message #896205
Posted By: Sam L
22-Feb-03 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Devil's advoCats
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
Aaaaaand, please help me out here, y'all. Don't you have any odd ideas you haven't dragged out into light? If I missed them--where do I look? If people can't nonymously out-troll any anonymous troll, a part of me feels a need for them, that they serve a purpose, like village idiots, like Socrates, as gadflies to the state. Here I am with my pro-death, lazy-ass, copywrite infringin', lesbian-butt spotting, rap lovin' dumb butt hangin' in cyber-space. Help me dammit. Doesn't anybody love crazy dumb notions and have a few, tucked away?

Thanks Carol C, I may be on a mudcat shopping thing soon, and have a new idea of something I want to have in my basket. You must be crazy, but I wish everyone was crazy enough to be photographed nude with an accordian. It would surely be a better world.