The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57058   Message #896302
Posted By: Amos
22-Feb-03 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Devil's advoCats
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats

Really, no problem at all! :>)


Well I believe that we are all operating a very high-frequency Destiny Manufacturing Plant somewhere just over the horizon of what we too often consider to be our 'limited' sphere of awareness.

And I believe that DNA is just a high-falutin radio receiver for picking up vibes.

I believe that if people had a fraction of an inkling of the misadventures they have already survived getting to this turn in the road, their current adventures would seem relatively delightfully easy to them.

And I believe the Infinite smiles on those who take the trouble to create a smiling Infinite.

I believe that Skimpy Glimmers is the planet's most popular parlor game, and that the world's most popular religion is the worship of Mass and its prophet, Time.   

I also believe that cats have psychic abilities and can spot all kinds of things (including lesbians, of course) from a thousand yards away, and sometimes a few weeks away, too.

So there ya go, pal!