The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57091   Message #896392
Posted By: Keef Wivaneff
23-Feb-03 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: Quiet Bunker For Folk Festivals...Ideas?
Subject: Quiet Bunker For Folk Festivals...Ideas?
Hello evrybodies, Lately I have been enjoying festivals alot less than in the "good old days".
Here in oz (girt by sea) the festivals all seem to wanna be like Woodford, Bigger Is Better.Most of the festivals now have multiple stages all amplified and even at the back of the camping area it is hard to have an acousic jam without falling into the groove of the rooly good band playing on the main stage. Some festivals have use of a scout hall, church or Rissole mostly off site and it usually is not quite happening a lot of the time.
My idea of an excellent venue wood be a transportable sound proof hall with all the right resonance and acoustics of the bestest hall in the whole wurld and you couldn't hear the doof next door.
Need ideas for an effective, safe, knock down design that could be shared between festivals.
Also this would solve all the problems of the wurld at the same time