The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26966   Message #896554
Posted By: Leadfingers
23-Feb-03 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Da Slockit Licht / Da Slockit Light
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Da Slockit Licht
Writing a lyric to fit to an old tune very rarely seems to work,
whereas finding that a poem 'fits ' a tune ot writing a tune to fit a poem seems to work far better.Raglan road fits the tune in the same way as Kiplings poems work with the tunes that Pete Bellamy among others found for them.Cecily Fox Smith wrote GOOD poetry which has been turned into some superb songs.I do not know of a single 'song'
written to an old tune that doesnt sound twee.I am prepared to be educated in this by some of you out there,bearing in mind the premise
that music is EXTREMELY subjective,and what I love you may detest.And
vice versa.