The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57058   Message #896610
Posted By: Sam L
23-Feb-03 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Devil's advoCats
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
My grandmother has a radio that only plays Rocky Top and news that changes without getting up to date.

   After Castaway I got a contract with my wife that if I'm ever lost at sea for four years with a volleyball and I come back and she's remarried I still get a "greeting/severance package" including something more than a tearful hug.

   I read about an inventor once who designed a bed with a lateral channel in it so he could sleep with his arm around someone without cutting off his circulation.

Actually, the Howell's only brought one trunk full of cash, mere change, as was discussed in the Mr. Howell-imposter episode. I don't know about Ginger, never noticed if she changed or not, I was fixated on Mary-Ann. I think Ginger had a dress made from the sail, though. It is strange that after the Skipper died, the Professor turned into a striking twin of him.

   What foul thing can I say or defend today? Barbie. I like Barbie, and all the bad press she gets is mean-spirited scapegoating. People blame her for their own erotic fetish of her. She's really very shy, and not too bright, but tries hard, and feels freakish, and cries herself to sleep at night in her little box, or more often, left laying out on the floor. American Girl dolls are smug pretentious over-priced crap, not worth a Bag O' Barbie Heads. They can kiss Barbie's MATEL tm. I think high school kids should do nude life-drawing as a required curiculum, at 7:00 am, to develop visual skills, learn to participate in seeing, so they aren't so easily led by advertising and pop-culture imagery to screw themselves up.