The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57105   Message #896634
Posted By: Joan from Wigan
23-Feb-03 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Anthony Riley (Fryman/Fisher)
Subject: Lyr Req: Anthony Riley (Fryman/Fisher)
This song isn't in the DT, and Google can't find the lyrics. The Forum Search is still not working, so I can't check whether it's been requested before. If it has, my apologies. The words are by ex-miner Ivan Fryman, set to music by Archie Fisher.

A friend has asked for help with the fourth verse (he's managed to decipher the rest). My friend has been listening to an old Iain MacGillivray recording, but it has also been recorded by Hamish Imlach. Can anyone fill in the blanks please?:

Now it's in the newspapers splashed over the headlines
A capital story upon the front page
But there's blood on the girders................................
And weeping dependants go with the cortege