The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57103   Message #896660
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
23-Feb-03 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: Pubs in decline
Subject: RE: Pubs in decline
Greed of the landlords too, when it comes to soft drinks. What you'd expect is that the profit margin would be set at the same level for a pint of been or a pint of lemonade or cola, but instead they up the proice of the soft drink till it costs the same as a pint of beer.

It sounds to me as if Taliesn has only been in yoof pubs, which are enough to put anyone off pubs.

The trouble about the whole things starting off again, with people openig their own houses for drinking companions to crowd in, is that these days we've got the law breathing down our necks to stop that kind of thing, so it's got to be done on the QT, and people daren't risk being a public house.