The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57095   Message #896687
Posted By: GUEST
23-Feb-03 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why I support Disarming America
Subject: RE: BS: Why I support Disarming America
Canadians to Lead Weapons Inspection of U.S.
A coalition of Canadian peace groups announced in November their intention to send an international team of volunteer weapons inspectors into the United States. The coalition, Rooting Out Evil, is recruiting inspectors through their Web site, "Our action has been inspired by none other than George W. Bush," said Christy Ferguson, a spokesperson for the group. "The Bush Administration has repeatedly declared that the most dangerous rogue nations are those that: 1) have massive stockpiles of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons; 2) ignore due process at the United Nations; 3) refuse to sign and honor international treaties; and 4) have come to power through illegitimate means." Rooting Out Evil includes Greenpeace Canada, the Centre for Social Justice, and the Toronto Committee Against War and Sanctions on Iraq.