The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57103   Message #896866
Posted By: breezy
23-Feb-03 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: Pubs in decline
Subject: RE: Pubs in decline
witherspoons have a no live music policy so why you going there?
As their beer is cheap its undercutting the pubs that want to diversify and taking away their trade which could be invested in things like paying for live music
You want something for nothing again
I support pubs that put on live music, and so what if they put it on the drinks,they have to have the finances from the punters somehow, thats business.
Mine charges 75p a pint for orange squash, £2 a pint of coke and they pay the band that entertains you.
Coffee £1.25 surely thats not a lot to pay for an evening entertainment.
Bet you only go to freebees , no wonder you dont get gigs, bet you dont go to many folk clubs either to see and hear good artistes.
I even have a meal at the ones that support me.