The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11749   Message #89693
Posted By: Fadac
25-Jun-99 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: Sherry Aims, Folk Nurse
Subject: RE: Sherry Aims, Folk Nurse
"Time out, time in, Oh, for a 'possoms grin. What would I give my love, A broken Chevy and a boxing glove."

Sang Sherry as she strumed the old Sears and Robuck. The room was quiet after the song. The last chord just sort of hung in the air, like the flittering smell of passing perfume.

A loud crash came from the next room, Sherry got up, droped the guitar on the raving patiant, Thunk, wong, went the guitar, ooof, ow! went the patiant.

As she opens the door and looks for the cause of the noise, Ah, exam room "COLD B4" She runs in that direction. Unseen her foot steps on a small, clay o'possom, her foot slips, and goes out from under her.

"Oh," is all she can say as she does an invountary butt flop in the middle of the room. The clay possom shoots across the room. And turns in the air, then hits the good Dr. in the mouth, south end first.

"Fweet? Fweet?" was all the Dr. could say, as he blew up the opossoms clay butt.

[Here we go again...], thought the possom

Another Crash!

"Give it up! Free the Reeds!", Screams Bill Bellows as he fights with...something...yes...It's the only bagpiper in the room, Hover, the vacume cleaner.