The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11802   Message #89696
Posted By: Fadac
25-Jun-99 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: Where are the kids (part2)
Subject: RE: Where are the kids
Ian, Shambles makes a good point. In any trade, you have to pay your dues.

I have worked for free, many times, just to get the chance to learn. (Not alwise in music. my trade is electronics and computers.) For example, I am buying a pile of equipment to do post production for a friend that want's to do a CD. My work will be worth about $4000-5000 US. What am I going to charge...$0.00. Because I need to learn. This process only stops when they plant you. (I'm darn near 50, and I'm finding that there is a whole lot left out there to learn.)

Here in the US the Scottish games are not just cabor tossing. There is much muisic there too. I see groups of all ages on stage. Some are bands of just young people, some are familes, and my favorite is mixed. Not just old guys or just young whipper snappers, but a mix.

One last thing, then I'll get off my soapbox, :o) When your dealing with an established group, like Shambles, understand that he is helping his compititon when he helps you. (huh?) This shows a love for music that goes way beyond the price of the job. Someday you might get a nice paying gig, that Shambles might have played. Think about that for a second or two. there isn't very many bisiness that will do that. Do you think that BP would go across the street and help a Shell station. (Like, dude, put your sign up a bit higher, and use flaming red...) Not likley eh?

Ok, off soapbox mode.

"Go Forth and Prosper"
