The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57106   Message #897292
Posted By: Catarina
24-Feb-03 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vive La France
Subject: RE: BS: Vive La France
I dont't believe Napoleon can be held responsible for his tomb, he didn't draw the plans for it...
Generaly speaking, the french do tend to have a high opinion of themselves, but then again, so do the americans,and the english, and... The problem shouldn't be to find out who's the best, or the greatest or which country helped wich and when. Probably every country in Europe has already been at war with every other country in Europe at least once sometime in the past. We don't need to recall that. It's petty isn't it?
Since the subject is Vive La France, they do have wonderful poets and writers, great music, wonderfull food, great cheese and wine, beautiful cities and so on. Of course they made a few mistakes. Who didn't? If they don't agree with the US, so what? Is it compulsory?