The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57037   Message #897341
Posted By: wilco
24-Feb-03 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: Great Teaching Idea from Frank Hamilton
Subject: RE: Great Teaching Idea from Frank Hamilton
Frank: Thanks. My thoughts exactly.
    About two years ago, I started going to our local Folk Music Assn. monthly meetings (2PM the 1st Sunday of the month). Very rare to have someone new there. Meet in the foodcourt of a local mall, and jamming is not encouraged.
    I ran into people everywhere who had/have talent, but they were never encouraged, and they never had a setting to learn (sloowwwlly).
    I invite everyone, and I ask the new ones if they will play a song, if I accompany them. Most of the people there now are these "newbies," and it is growing BIG.
    Found a sr, center to play weekly, with open stage, and jammimg encouraged. Crowds of 250 to 300 people.
    If this music doesn't thrive, pert of the reason for it's demise is that musicians couldn't "leave their egos at the door," and try to encouage the shy novices.

Thanks for ideas Frank!!!