The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56975   Message #897482
Posted By: GUEST,Oldguy
24-Feb-03 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Has Got To Go
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Has Got To Go

"Apologies Old Guy, if I didn't make my points clearer."

My apologies. I thought you meant the actions of NATO did not remove Slobodan but the country itself removed him. We agree.

I think the outcome was almost ideal save for some accidents like bombing the Chinese embassy, some wrong targets and some hardware errors.
I don't see how any one could have solved the problem any other way.
I am sure the people in Kosovo are glad and most of the people in Serbia / Yugoslavia.

Now The UN must closely monitor the situation and take appropriate action to keep things from regressing.

Old Guy