The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57106   Message #897602
Posted By: GUEST,graycolorscheme
24-Feb-03 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vive La France
Subject: RE: BS: Vive La France
For all who wish to see true French motives, it might be helpful to view , an independent intelligence corporation. Chirac and Hussein have been pals for upwards of 25 years. The Israelis destroyed a weapons grade nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1982... built by the French.
By the way, what is this "French for Peace" business? Whoever considers the current domestic state of affairs within Iraq as peaceful is a lunatic. Anyone holding a Bible (whether you believe or not) is executed on the spot. Saddam has a professional rapist on his payroll. He has murdered over 20,000 of his own (Kurdish) citizens with Cianide, mustard, and nerve agents.
    Not entering this war is a cop-out. I am willing to bet France would find itself hard-pressed to muster support for a war if it's OWN BORDERS were being attacked. Read Plato's Republic for examples and reasons why.
    By the way... EUROPE is divided on whether it should support a war in Iraq. France is outspoken, and germany attempts to back them in their shadow. When French support waivers German support fails (NATO Turkey situation). I don't even want to get into the belgians, wholost all repectability when they fled a scene of mass murder in Rwanda, letting 800,000 civilians be murdered.
    Oh, and another thing... We backed the French in the 1960's with their "Imperial troubles" in Vietnam. We ended up paying for 75% of their war fees and losses for them. They then, promptly (once again) put their tails between their legs and fled French Indochina... Thanks alot...