The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57058   Message #898229
Posted By: Sam L
25-Feb-03 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Devil's advoCats
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
Uncle DaveO, that's the spirit! But you've never heard any good rock? And some people say it's too loud....

I have a little documentary about Bluegrass which keeps cutting to two anonymous farmers in a field for comments, and my favorite is about Elvis and the popularity of rock n roll. "Well I don't like to say it, but to me his doings was foolish."

The tuning zapper might work with the same technology as my car alarm device, which delivers a searing shock to the car owner when the alarm goes off, and keeps it up til the car is silenced. Then delivers a whopping hair-extending shock shortly afterward, for good measure.

   Hi ho, I can't think of nuthing.
    But why is it if you tell a guy you don't like something, they'll usually remember it. But if you tell a woman you don't like something, she'll go out of her way to keep offering it to you on a platter for the rest of your life? If you are a vegetarian, a woman will suddenly start fixing you chicken sandwiches while her husband keeps saying He won't eat it, he will not eat that, he's a whadyacallit, one of those, um, he won't eat it. Tell a woman you read a book and hated it, she'll give it to you on your next birthday. I've encountered this thousands of times, and only wish I'd known about it sooner, when I was younger, so I could've told everyone I was gay.