The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57158   Message #898412
Posted By: Grab
25-Feb-03 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemtrails
Subject: RE: BS: Chemtrails
In your convenient Google search, Guest, it came up with this site which comprehensively debunks "chemtrails", specifically mentioning the first site on the Google search ( as being the subject of a hoax. Of the other sites on that Google search page, all of them posit alien or paranormal activity. And all those photos "proving" this look like plain old contrails to me (and to meteorologists who've looked at them, apparently). I don't know how any reasonable person could consider this "evidence".

As far as "spraying bacteria" goes, your sites mention spraying with Bacillus Thuringia as one of the elements of that "chaff" spray. See this link for details of that bacterium. The key quote is "Bacillus thuringiensis (or Bt) is a naturally occurring soil bacterium that can be found widespread in nature. It is known as a insect pathogen that is a simple spore forming, infectious bacterium. As a spore Bt produces toxin crystals that are unique crystalline endotoxins. This feature makes it a powerful insecticide that has no or little environmental repercussions." Shit, it shouldn't be allowed, spraying us with harmless substances...

I miss the relevance of your last link. Petroleum products are difficult to clean up when they spill, and engineered (through natural breeding or otherwise) bacteria which would break them down are one possibly solution for this. I have no idea what you're talking about with the word "plasma", because this doesn't figure anywhere (unless you've misunderstood the meaning of the word "plasmid" used by biologists).

Regarding your other posts, I don't have any problems believing that the nutters at Porton Down were playing silly bastards in the 60s and 70s - we know this for a solid fact. These are the guys who've made Gruinard Island in Scotland uninhabitable by covering it with anthrax. In context, this was at the height of the Cold War, and the military were going for broke on all this stuff in all countries. I believe there was an accident in the US around the same time, where a military site in Ohio nearly gassed an entire city through accidentally releasing some nerve toxin - fortunately the wind was in the wrong direction. If people are going to play silly bastards, shit happens and things go wrong. Accidents happen.

However, it's one thing to suggest that there have been accidents or that the military has run tests on their land, and an entirely nother thing to suggest that they plan on poisoning all of us, INCLUDING themselves. That requires a serious level of proof to convince us, evidence which can't be ignored. You have not provided sufficient proof to convince me, personally, and it seems you haven't convinced anyone else either. Your evidence is utterly flimsy.

I've quite prepared to believe all politicians are all a bunch of devious weasels. However I'm less prepared to believe they're all mass-murderers who are prepared to not only murder other people, but also to kill their families and themselves. Every single politician in the US and the UK? And all their aides, assistants, secretaries, etc? bcos they'd have to be in on the conspiracy too. I think not, somehow.

To quote Carl Sagan: "They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." Everyone else posting on this board thinks your ideas are ridiculous and without basis in fact (no matter how much you capitalise words). Consider that maybe *you* are the one with the problem. If you do genuinely have a family with whom you live, I feel very sorry for them - living with you in this condition must indeed be killing them.
