The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #898480
Posted By: GUEST,Claire
25-Feb-03 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
The original question is -have you felt slanted as a performer because of your weight. Since I started performing (12 or so years ago), I have regularly received comments about my weight, so I thought I would share them with you. I must be of that in between weight where people still think they can broach the subject.

When I get on stage, I want it to be all about the music. I take precautions to feel good about the way that I look so I dress to my advantage - usually upscale from the crowd, in a skirt or dress (to mask a bit of my rounder parts). When I perform, I completely forget that I am bigger than the average person, which is sometimes hard, since one of the things I do is appalachian clogging (talk about bounce). I generally feel really attractive and I choose to assume that others can feel my pleasure in being there.

Just how big am I? Give or take, I have weighed the same since high school, when I felt HUGE compared to my fellow class mates. Now, at 40, others have passed me by in the weight department and I am still muscular and stocky, pretty darn curvy, and not even close to skinny. I am of the opinion that you are what you are, and there is little you can do to change that if you eat reasonably and excercise reasonably, diet when need be, but then my body shape has stayed fairly stable throughout my life.

The comments,,,

A woman came up to me and told me that she found me inspiring because she never thought a woman of her size could enjoy clogging.

A man repeatedly told me I should work out becuase with my "big" arms, I could get really cut. (just last week again, if fact)

I have been told several times how "strong" my legs are and that they know someone else with big legs like me.

Someone yelled, "what kind of bra do you where" after I had clogged.

I sort of collect these gems!

Whatever your shape - someone is inspired by it... and someone thinks your amazing or beautiful - just because you have the guts to put your heart on the line and to do something special. Someone may think your fat... oh well, their loss.

Good luck and keep performing,
