The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57158   Message #898833
Posted By: Don Firth
25-Feb-03 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemtrails
Subject: RE: BS: Chemtrails
The reason you're not getting any response on this, O Dreadful One, is that you're too late. Years ago, there was a conspiracy between the Rockefeller family and the drug companies to turn the populace into a bunch of obedient, mindless slaves by putting fluoride in our drinking water under the guise of reducing tooth cavities. We've been drinking fluoridated water for years now, and we are so mentally impaired that your alarums are are futile. We are totally apathetic and beyond saving. Too bad. So sad. You are the only sane, intelligent one left on the planet.

Don (note the vacuous smile) Firth