The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57195   Message #898851
Posted By: GUEST,The Dreaded Guest
25-Feb-03 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clinton to become U.N. Sec General?
Subject: RE: BS: Clinton to become U.N. Sec General?
Boy are you behind the times, Troll. The Bilderbergs, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission...for years those groups denied they even existed. Now they're mentioned daily in mainstream news stories. See, they ARE evil organizations planning the world's future wars and such, but their cover has been blown by the internet. They can no longer operate in COMPLETE secrecy, so they're presenting themselves now like it's no big deal that they're planning wars and genocides. Just business as usual. Same with the 'New World Order'. Ten years ago that phrase was always followed by 'black helicopter conspiracy theorists', but now you can turn up a hundred news articles a day which mention the NWO. On CNN, ABC, etc. And those govt media arms say 'Sure there's a New World Order, but it's inevitible, and it'll be good for you'. Bushit. Tyranny is tyranny. Americans were rallied behind a homicidal maniac by an act of terror on Sept 11, and he and his associates haven't eased up on the terrorism since. I sympathize with your obvious mental impairment, but the groups you are still pathetically trying to debunk don't need your efforts anymore. They're out of the closet.