The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57227   Message #899120
Posted By: Bill D
26-Feb-03 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: Tech: No google?
Subject: RE: BS: No google?
Yogi Berra once said of a restaurant.."Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."

Well, that's the way it is with Google....I keep a list of URLs handy to 'test' in order to be sure it is not my own ISP...and if it is JUST Google now and then having a temporary problem, I use FastSearch (Allthe Web), which indexes almost as many pages...and it often faster, as it isn't overloaded!

Altavista is STILL excellent...and Teoma is good....and there are LOTS of good search engines. (Bet they wish THEY had thought up a short, cute name!)