The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57058   Message #899134
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
26-Feb-03 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Devil's advoCats
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
"Anyone ever heard any good French rock n roll?"

I once heard an explanation of why French music is distinctly French sounding. The music of a culture is, to some extent, a reflection of its language. We hear our spoken language day in and day out and carry some of its characteristics over into the metrical component of our music. French is a relatively unemphatic language. It doesn't have the hard consonants and distinct accents that, say, German has. The French run all of their words together into a flowing stream of words. The Germans pronounce each word distinctly. This characteristic carries over into their music. (Try to imagine Debussy having written "Die Gotterdammerung" or Wagner having written "La Mer".)   

Rock 'n roll is a very beat-driven form of music. The French language just lacks the strong emphasized beat that rock 'n roll must have to work.

Now, Cajun French is a different matter entirely. It is many generations removed from Continental French and has developed much more distinct accents, probably as a result of many speakers being bi-lingual with English. Cajun music is extremely beat-driven.
