The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #899190
Posted By: Kim C
26-Feb-03 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Yep. Ditto what everyone else said about self-confidence. If your size doesn't bother you, it won't bother anyone else who matters.

Generally speaking, I have always been attracted to tall skinny men. I married one. But - here's a little-known secret. I think John Goodman is sexy. He has twinkly eyes, a sweet smile, a wonderful voice, and - guess what? - TONS of confidence and charisma. I saw a photo of him when he was a much younger, and smaller, actor - yes, he was good-looking, but it wasn't the same. Big John ROCKS!

Before I got married I dated a large man. Dave wasn't what I would call fat, really, but he was large. And devastatingly handsome.

I have a friend who writes incredibly witty songs and plays a mean clawhammer banjo. She's only about 4'8". I don't know exactly how tall she is because I never asked her, because I don't really care. I did overhear someone ask her once, though, and her answer was, "I think you can find something more interesting to ask me about."

Size shouldn't matter, but some people are inconsiderate. Don't let them bother you.