The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57103   Message #899192
Posted By: Folkiedave
26-Feb-03 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: Pubs in decline
Subject: RE: Pubs in decline
[snip] the "Carbury Hall" out the front, which had oak panelling, [/snip]

I wonder if you mean the "Carbrooke Hall". An interesting boozer even now because the inside is in fact 17th century and the oak panelling referred to is in fact genuine and dates from that time as does one of the fireplaces within the place.

If it were in the Cotswolds it would be a real treasure and people would travel miles to see it. Since it is in (what was) the steelworks end of Sheffield few people bother. If you are travelling up the M1 and this sort of thing interests you then it is not far off the Meadowhell turn off. (Spelling deliberate)

Which reminds me that when I was a rep for a food company many years ago the landlord of the Plumpers - right next to the M1 - told me he wasn't bothered about doing food - he had no passing trade.

In fact.........I wonder how much the decline in pubs is due to the idiots in charge of some of them. I remember ringing up one pub to ask if it was OK to bring a couple of Morris teams up to dance in the car park........

"I don't know" said the landlady, "they'll be wanting drinks and things and I'll have to put on extra staff - then there'll be all them extra glasses to wash............." I did say as I put the phone down I was trying very hard to put some money in her till........put we would do it elsewhere....
