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Thread #57195   Message #899227
Posted By: GUEST,The Dreaded Guest
26-Feb-03 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clinton to become U.N. Sec General?
Subject: RE: BS: Clinton to become U.N. Sec General?
(Well gee, folks, if I'm pitiful for posting this stuff, the only thing more pitiful would be the folks who read it. Below is one of the postings I'm putting on bulletin boards today. I really don't think you should read it. Seriously. Don't read it. Thomas Jefferson said it is my duty to do this, but then if you don't know about that, knowing about this wouldn't do you any good):

A recent CIA analysis concluded Saddam Hussein is highly likely to use a "third party" terrorist group to conduct a proxy attack on the United States in advance of American military operations, according to U.S. officials...

This is disturbing. It pretty much convinces me there is now a timetable which can't be alterted. Before I read this article, it seemed that Hussein had to be killed BEFORE the CIA released bioweapons on us...they needed Hussein dead so he wouldn't be able to defend himself. But since Bush has been slow in getting the war off the ground, they're now having to change the plan a bit. Why? I believe something has been set into motion which must be explained by Hussein acting 'pre-emptively'.

I just hope the plan doesn't involve Mardi Gras. I know lots of folks who went there, and a couple weeks ago the mayor signed the city over to the Office of Homeland Security. First major city to do that. Ideal vector for the CIA to release a bio-weapon.

Saddam has been told he'd be NUKED if he used weapons of mass destruction, people. After the bio-attack happens, and the Bushes say it is YOUR fault because you marched and protested and didn't let them take out the madman BEFORE he killed your kids, don't forget this article. Saddam has been told he'd be nuked if he released bioweapons. The only people who stand to gain from this are the repressive govts of the world and the arms merchants like the Bushes.

And the part in the article about 'proxy' terrorists....that's talking about YOU. They'll blame some small group first and get us used to Americans being jailed and tortured, then the list of groups will grow until it includes you. Guranteed.