The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #899250
Posted By: AggieD
26-Feb-03 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Having been overweight since a child, I am quite an expert on weight loss (or lack of it). I have been to see one of the top clinical dieticians in the UK & his opinion was that the only way for someone who has an inherited problem (both my parents come from families with obesity problems)is to diet for the whole of their lives. I know I have been there & done all the yo-yo diet bit & although I danced Morris, clog & folk for nearly 20 years still have a problem & I take a good walk every day. I have now been given a very low fat diet, which if stuck to will gradually lose weight, & believe me if you lose weight too fast, your body craves what it has missed & you soon lose heart & the weight just merrily piles back on.
Gargoyle, shame you are such a stupid ar*****e, just being supercilious about weight does no intelligent person any credit.
I have seen some fabulous performers, both thin & fat & I often wonder whether the thin ones don't look in need of a good meal. I think looking pasty & grey wrinkled & skinny is far more of a turn-off in a person, whether musician or not, than a bit of wobble.