The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57058   Message #899992
Posted By: GUEST,Les B.
27-Feb-03 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Devil's advoCats
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
Fred - your friend with the dupled girlfriend must have found new meaning in the old song "In The Sweet Bi and Bi"!

Ebbie - the farm boy and the peas made me flash on a memory I'd almost totally suppressed. When I was about 13 my dad took me on spring round-up at the main ranch. I was excited to be going out on circle with the real cowboys. The foreman was a blustery bag of wind and his wife was a pushy old biddy cut from the same cloth. They laid on a huge ranch breakfast. I asked for milk and when it arrived it obviously tasted rancid. I just put it aside and didn't say much. Sure enough the wife comes along and asks why I'm not drinking it. I try to quietly tell her, but she ends up verbally embarassing me into drinking the whole damn tumbler. Writing this now, some 45 years later, it still pisses me off!!!