The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #900075
Posted By: harvey andrews
27-Feb-03 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Jack I was passing on the opinion of my uncle who was in one.He just pointed out the simple fact that everyone has a calorie intake below which they lose weight irrespective of "metabolism", genetics or anything else. The same applies to people who claim an inability to lose weight. Cut the calories enough and it goes! This is the only diet that works.Anything else is an excuse.A whole industry is earning millions from people who do not wish to acknowledge this simple fact. My uncle lived it, saw it, and had no time for these charlatans. He called them "crooks".
If that makes me the stupidest post on be it.