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Thread #57283   Message #900156
Posted By: GUEST,The Dreaded Guest
27-Feb-03 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: NPR now CIA (Conspiracy Theory of the Day)
Subject: RE: BS: NPR now CIA (Conspiracy Theory of the Day)
Oh yeah. This is ALL in my mind:

Glad this is just all 'in my head'

I think I'll post the link as my entry to the new forum michaelr was nice enough to make me aware of:

And yes, there is a Grand Unified Theory...the organized crime syndicate which owns and runs the world has a sublimely efficient organization called the CIA, and the CIA created al Qeada, the Taliban and every other terrorist organization you can name. These organizations will now be used to terrorize the sheep the American people have become until Americans give up their Constitution. During this transformation process, America will present such a threat to it's neighbors that the U.N. will have to 'save the world' from us, and then the U.N. will establish a tyrannical world govt. And NPR will run some feel-good piece about personal empowerment while your whole freaking society collapses around your ears. Brought to you by the master propagandists...the CIA.