The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #900375
Posted By: Kim C
28-Feb-03 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Well, now, here's the thing. There is no one magical Eating Plan that will work for everyone on the planet, simply because everyone is different. I tried low-fat, high-carb, almost-vegetarian once, and guess what happened? I gained 20 pounds. I was hungry all the time, so I ate all the time. Even though I was eating what was considered "good stuff," it wasn't the right good stuff for me, and I was actually eating more calories.

Once I switched to more lean proteins and less processed foods, I got rid of the 20 pounds and it hasn't come back. Mister and I rarely eat food out of a box anymore.

Slim-Fast is a crock. The only reason it works for some people is that if you follow their plan, you consume less calories. That's all. It's full of sugar. I compared the nutritional info from Slim-Fast and Fat-Free Nestle Quik, and it's pretty much the same, except for the vitamins. If you had a glass of Fat-Free Nestle Quik and a multivitamin on the side... well, there you go.

Everyone has to find what works for them. And don't think in terms of "dieting" - think in terms of lifestyle changes. If you "diet" and lose weight, it's probably going to come back when you go off the "diet." If you want to get in shape, you have to make choices and decisions and changes, and that's hard for some people.

Anyway..... no matter what your size, believe in yourself. Believe in your music, and in what you do. Like I said before, you'll have the respect and admiration of the people who matter. The others can just go have a Coke and a smile. :-)