The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57158   Message #900490
Posted By: GUEST,The Dreaded Guest
28-Feb-03 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemtrails
Subject: RE: BS: Chemtrails
One of the early articles I read on this topic was about a fly-over in Nova Scotia. The person writing the article said when he noticed the planes begin their spraying, he and his family took water samples from ponds, then the next day took another group of samples and had it all analyzed. The most striking thing about the test results was a 15 times increase in aluminum particulates in the samples taken the second day.

So it's being done. I have trouble believing it's for 'atmosphere control'...suspect the govt seized on one of Edward Teller's less insightful papers to give the program some credibility. The govt tossed Teller's paper out to the media and thought no one would dare question the world-renouned scientist, but Teller also wanted to use nukes on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. to create new harbors. And now, people in their forties are mysteriously coming down with Alzheimers after having their brains clogged with aluminum. In the U.S., at least. Not sure about the rest of the world.

I guess Salt Lake city would be a good case study on Alzheimers, since that's where the most intense spraying has occurred. The govt reports say Salt Lake is a perfect 'test area' for their weather modification experiments, but I doubt the Mormons believe that. They've been hounded by the U.S. govt forever, and now the U.S. govt has control of Utah's air space just like the 'no fly' zones in Iraq. They're probably being poisoned because they, the Mormons, WOULD be a unified force capable of challenging an army.

We're being poisoned, some faster than other.