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Thread #3018   Message #900806
Posted By: GUEST,Q
28-Feb-03 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Stagger Lee / Stack O'Lee / etc.
Subject: Lyr Add: STAGOLEE (from Odum and Johnson)
Lots of stories about Stackolee, few of which agree on details. The following is quoted from The traditional Ballad Index, California State Univ. Fresno:
"On Dec. 29, 1895, William Lyons (levee hand) and Lee Sheldon (coach driver nicknamed "Stag" Lee) were drinking at a tevern in St Louis, MO. A political discussion began; in the heat of the argument Lyons knocked off Sheldon's hat and Sheldon promptly pulled a pistol and shot him dead. He was arrested and tried; the first trial ended in a hung jury, but he was convicted in a second trial and served time in prison, dying in 1916.
A St. Louis judge who has researched the case suggests that Sheldon had received a spell from a hoodoo woman, giving him exceptional sexual potency. The talisman for that spell was his hat, so knocking it from his head was no ordinary insult..-PJS" No reference in given.

In one of the posts above, versions found by Odum are mentioned.


Stagolee, Stagolee, what's dat in you' grip?
Nothin' but my Sunday clothes, I'm goin' to take a trip.
Oh, dat man, bad man, Stagolee done come.

Stagolee, Stagolee, where you been so long?
I been out on de battle fiel' shootin' an' havin' fun.
Oh, dat man, bad man, Stagolee done come.

Stagolee was a bully man, an' ev'ybody knowed,
When dey seed Stagolee comin' to give Stagolee de road.
Oh, dat man, bad man, Stagolee done come.

Stagolee started out, he give his wife his han';
"Goodbye darlin', I'm goin' to kill a man.
Oh, dat man, etc.

Stagolee killed a man and laid him on de flo'.
What's dat he kill him wid? Dat same ole fohty-fo'.
Oh, dat man, etc.

Stagolee killed a man an' laid him on his side,
What's dat he kill him wid? Dat same ole fohty-five.
Oh, dat man, etc.

Out of house an' down de street Stagolee did run,
In his hand he held a great big smok'n' gun.
Oh, dat man, etc.

Stagolee, Stagolee, I'll tell you what I'll do;
If you'll git me out'n dis trouble I'll do as much for you.
Oh, dat man, etc.

Ain't it a pity, ain't it a shame?
Stagolee was shot, but he don't want no name.
Oh, dat man, etc.

Stagolee, Stagolee, look what you done done:
Killed de best ole citerzen; now you'll have to be hung.
Oh, dat man, etc.

Stagolee cried to de jury, "Please don't take my life.
I have only three little children an' one little lovin' wife."
Oh, dat man, bad man, Stagolee done come.

Odum and Johnson, 1925 (Negro Press reprint of 1968), "The Negro and His Songs," pp. 196-198. See Brian Hoskin post, above, for comments by Odum.

Some versions borrow verses from Frankie and Albert (Johnny).