The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57303   Message #900811
Posted By: GUEST, Dale
28-Feb-03 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mrs. Delion's Lament (Jim Ringer)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mrs. Delion's Lament (Jim Ringer)
Stewie, your memory is sure a lot better than mine. When I saw the request, I thought to myself, "Now if no one posts to this in a day or two, I'll have to get the record out and do it." Completely forgot that I had already done it ~~ more than five years ago!

Agreed, this is one of Jim's best. I find it hard to say which of Jim's recordings I like best, but they ALL deserve to be reissued on CD. I see his Folk Legacy album is on Sandy's reissue list. Have to have that one when I order next.

Stewie, do you have his two albums with the Sweets Mill String Band? Those are good'uns, too.