The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57283   Message #900821
Posted By: Bobert
28-Feb-03 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: NPR now CIA (Conspiracy Theory of the Day)
Subject: RE: BS: NPR now CIA (Conspiracy Theory of the Day)
You've got it, McGrath, my friend. Yep, they are sneaking thru a lot of dumb-butt legislation right in the middle of batch of obvious crap.

Purdy smart. Except when the smoke clears what we're going to find is a scenerio that would make Hitler smile. "Well done," he'd say, "well done!"

Don't think it can happen?

You are not paying attention!



What the heck are you talking about. The last snow just quit a few hours ago dumping another 6 inhes on top of the 28 inches from last week... Howz about coming on up and releiving my sore butt on the end of the snow shovel....

Bobert again