The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56559   Message #901046
Posted By: Beccy
01-Mar-03 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should the Uk & US go to war with Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Should the Uk & US go to war with Iraq?
While I think we all can agree that Saddam is an evil bastard, I think we can probably all also agree that he's not in this alone. There is NO possible way he could have committed the atrocities he has commited on such a grand scale by himself. In addition to being the puppetmaster of the Ba'ath regime, he has groomed his own sons their entire lives for taking over his job. He took them, as small children, to torture chambers with him in order that they might understand their duties should he be unable to continue as dictator. How about asking his daughter how she liked having her husband killed because he disagreed with dear old pater-in-law.

I posit that- in accord with my opinion that we are not only justified but obligated to remove Saddam- we are also obligated to remove the rest of his regime. In order to do this, the "just assasinate Saddam" idea is pointless.