The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #901128
Posted By: SINSULL
01-Mar-03 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
I hate it when gargoyle is right! Just had a check-up. My cholesterol is bordering medication levels and my blood pressure requires medication. Stress from the moving and total lack of exercise coupled with eating everything that is bad for me...

Just a year ago, I was on a high protein/no whites diet which led to a painless loss of 39 pounds. My cholesterol and blood pressure dropped dramatically. I dislike sweets and sugary treats but can't resist pizza and chips. Guess I will have to.

So even though I feel no weight discrimination at Mudcat (it is out there in the job market where I am seen as lazy before I even open my mouth) if I am going to live to 60 and once again tie my shoes without risking an embolism, I have to make better choices and get up from the computer occasionally.

Of course, my Dad is 89 and going strong despite similar health problems. Sorry for the thread drift.