The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57356   Message #901504
Posted By: mg
02-Mar-03 - 01:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Catter's Kitchen-Cooking Tips & Safety
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter's Kitchen-Cooking Tips & Safety
my landlady taught me something...get everything off the stove top..all pots etc..that way if you leave a burner on there is nothing to catch fire...and she would go "off, off, off, off" as she checked each burner.

Get appliances with automatic shutoffs. Like irons etc. Crockpots make me nervous leaving them all day but I suppose they must be reasonably safe.

Have both kinds of smoke alarms..battery and electric in case you forget the batteries. Also one does better in some kind of fire and the other in the other kind.

Have a fire extinguisher handy.

Basically, try not to fry stuff. That is where the fires mostly start. If you have a forgetful person cooking, limit them to microwaves unless someone is there to watchdog.

Lots of bad bugs around. Use only dishwasher safe cutting boards if you use a dishwasher. Otherwise bleach and sanitize after any meat especially. If you aren't a good housekeeper, get a dishwasher, perhaps a portable 3/4 size one..I have one and I love it (don't of course conclude I am a bad housekeeper!).

Teach your children how to cook early on...healthy salads, stews you can get out of the kitchen and they will have necessary skills.
