The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57109   Message #901810
Posted By: GUEST,daft as a brush
02-Mar-03 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hart questions Irish Americans
Subject: RE: BS: Hart questions Irish Americans
"Incidentally, it is true about DeValeria leaving a light on at night to guide the Luftwaffe. Why he wasn't tried as a war criminal and then hung, defeats me."

Such muddleheaded liberalism! Everyone knows that Devalera and Adolf Hitler were one and the same person which is why they were never seen in the same room together.

As for those Nazi rallies on March 17? Which one of has not stood horrified in some little village as the serried ranks sweep past with their blood-curdling chant,
"We are Irish, We are blest,
First the Jews and then the rest"

Thank God that there are still some who are prepared to resist this attempt at world domination! I would do it myself but I need to go and lie down in a darkened room.