The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #902203
Posted By: GUEST
03-Mar-03 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
"I have little sympathy for people who have unhealthy eating and exercise habits, and don't take responsibility for their own physical condition."

"There is prejudice against weight...and IT IS Justified. Fat people lack stamina, patience, and self-discipline"

"I have no patience with the excuses. You are FAT because you WANT to be fat."

I hardly know where to start. This is not intended to be a "flame", but I'm so angry, I could spit nails! Maybe start with Gargoyle, who quotes many basic facts, but sadly uses them to excuse or justify his judgmental attitude. Perhaps it would be better described as a pre-judgmental attitude?

Someone of large size gets up on stage to perform, and just by looking at their size you know all about them? Their motivation, or (assumed) lack thereof? The dues they've paid? Horseshit! How dare you write a person off that way?

I have no patience with such attitudes, or of any of the others quoted above. There's not so much difference between disregarding someone because of their weight (which has been described as "the last safe prejudice") as doing so because of the colour of their skin, religion, etc.

I'm heavily overweight, been fighting the damned battle all my life. Still fighting. With various diets and disciplines (don't get me started on my opinion of the diet industry!), probably lost 600 pounds off and on (literally) in my time. And I'm still heavily overweight. Biggest victory? I figure it's the day I simply decided to stop hating myself for it. Only took the first 30 years or so of my life to figure that out.

And I'm still here. And I'm still getting my little round self up on stage and sharing what I love with those who are willing to listen. And if some can't, or won't get around the appearance thing, guess what? It really is their problem, not mine.

Here endeth the rant!
