The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57158   Message #902516
Posted By: Don Firth
03-Mar-03 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemtrails
Subject: RE: BS: Chemtrails
Dearest Benighted Guest, those folks weren't arrested for asserting their First Amendment rights, they were arrested for smashing windows, setting fires, and general vandalism. And the Federal Government didn't get into it at all.

I don't care if you have a dozen reams of your own writings. A dozen tons of bovine droppings is still a helluva pile of fertilizer, and no matter how you ballyhoo it, it will still have quite an aroma.

As far as my "supporting fascism" is concerned, that's another of your delusional fever-dreams. People here know where I stand. I participate in two very effective peace organizations, and have for years now. I write a great deal, and the bulk of my writing does not appear here on the internet, it appears in magazine articles, letters to editors, Op Ed articles, and in letters and e-mails to congresspersons and other people in positions of power.

I used to be the news director at a radio station, so 1) I know how to find good, reliable sources of information and I make it a point to get my facts straight; 2) I know how to get my stuff out there where it will be the most effective; and 3) I present well-reasoned and well-supported arguments, so people tend to listen to me and to read my stuff. I don't just rant and rave. The reason I know a lot of the things I know is that I was there. I didn't just read it on some website!

You, on the other hand, tend to alienate the very people you want to convince by being frantic and hysterical and backing up your unsupported assertions by citing well-known garbage websites. Then if someone questions what you've written, instead of trying to support it with reliable data, you get insulting. Great way to convince others of your viewpoint!

Complex conspiracy theories have been around for God knows how long, and they seem to have an appeal to a certain kind of mind. Have you ever read The True Believer by Eric Hoffer? It's a portrait of you.

'Bye now. I've got more important things to do than argue with you.

Don Firth